Virtuelle Telefonnummern in mehr als 60 Ländern. (

Kostenlos (oder extrem günstig) ins Ausland telefonieren. (


In 3 Schritten zur eigenen Nummer:

Aus welchem Land willst Du eine virtuelle Rufnummer bestellen?

Wohin willst Du die Anrufe weiterleiten?


Details zur Weiterleitung

Fax2Mail Call Forwarding

globalnumbers provides Direct Inward Dialing (DID) access numbers with call forwarding to Fax2Mail. The call forwarding destination is selected by the customer on a per-DID basis and may be changed at any time via our friendly user interface.

Fax2Mail is a provider of VOIP Telephone service. VoIP (Voice over IP) is a home phone service over your internet connection. VoIP gives an ability to transmit more than one telephone call over a single broadband connection. It is location independent service, because only a sufficiently fast and stable Internet connection is needed to get a connection from anywhere to a VoIP provider. Also it can be a benefit for reducing communication and infrastructure costs.

Call forwarding prices:

Monthly price: 0.00 EUR
Setup price: 0.00 EUR

Order now a virtual number with Fax2Mail call forwarding to any of the following countries:

Albania Guatemala Philippinen
Anguilla Honduras Polen
Antigua and Barbuda Hong Kong Portugal
Argentinien Indien Puerto Rico
Australien Indonesien Rumänien
Bahamas Irland Saint Martin
Barbados Island Saudi Arabia
Belgien Israel Schweden
Bolivien Italien Schweiz
Bosnien Jamaika Serbien
Brasilien Japan Singapur
British Virgin Islands Kanada Slowakei
Bulgarien Kenya Slowenien
Cayman Islands Kolumbien Spanien
Chile Kroatien Südafrika
China Lettland Südkorea
Curacao Litauen Taiwan
Deutschland Luxemburg Thailand
Dominica Malaysia Trinidad and Tobago
Dominikanische Republik Malta Tschechien
Dänemark Mexiko USA
Ecuador Moldawien Uganda
El Salvador Monaco Ukraine
England Neuseeland Ungarn
Estland Nicaragua Uruguay
Finnland Niederlande Venezuela
Frankreich North Macedonia Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Georgien Norwegen Vietnam
Ghana Panama Zypern
Grenada Paraguay Österreich
Griechenland Peru

globalnumbers offers an extensive selection of international DID numbers. In addition, we are constantly expanding our services so as to increase the number of regions supported, as well as to increase our coverage in each region.
With an advanced network structure and innovative products, we are ready to bring high-quality, cost-effective and reliable service to our customers all over the world.

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